Pharmacological sciences

The study of the action of drugs in relation to pharmacology is the branch of biology, in which a drug can be broadly defined as any artificial, natural or endogenous molecule (from inside the body) that exerts a biochemical or physiological effect on the cell, tissue, organ or organism. The factor affects the normal or abnormal biochemical function that occurs between a living organism and chemicals specifically, it is the study of interactions. If the substances have medicinal properties, they are considered pharmaceutical. Basics of signal transduction / cellular communication composition and drug properties, drug synthesis and design, molecular and cellular mechanisms, organ / system mechanisms, molecular Field includes diagnostics, interactions, toxicology, chemical biology , therapy, medical applications and antipathogenic capacity.

•         Clinical Pharmacology

•         Endocrine Pharmacology

•         Neuropsychologist

    Related Conference of Pharmacological sciences

    July 25-26, 2024

    4th International Conference on Biomedicine & Pharmacotherapy

    Prague, Czech Republic

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